About 1900, a “grade” school was located in Rincon, Georgia in a two-story building opposite St. John’s Lutheran Church. Around 1905, the school was moved to the present day site of Rincon Elementary School located on Augusta Avenue (Highway 21). The new two-story school contained a steeple bell–tower. The bell was used to signal recess, lunch, and the closing of the school day. The building was known as Effingham Institute and was used for at least twenty years. During this period of time, Effingham Institute served as both a grade school and a high school. The name was changed to Rincon High School in 1920.
In 1925, a new brick school was completed and opened in the fall of that year. The graduating class of 1925 was the last class to graduate from the old two-story wooden building. Until approximately 1928, students attended school for ten years. In 1928, the eleventh grade was added. The twelfth grade was added in 1949. Between 1956 and 1967, the old Rincon High School building was replaced by what is now the primary wing facing Fourth Street. The Richland Avenue wing was added and opened in the fall of 1968. All of the buildings comprising Rincon Elementary School were totally renovated in 1988. A media center, music room, and two classrooms were added. In 1999 a new wing consisting of thirteen additional classrooms, a lead teacher office, new cafeteria with a stage, and new office complex with two conference rooms, clinic, principal and assistant principal’s offices was added to meet the school’s rapidly growing population. However, another spurt in population growth prompted an additional wing with four classrooms, a new media center, and a new gym to be added to the school, which opened in August 2003. The old media center was converted into two new classrooms.
The population of the Rincon Elementary School continued to grow, and in 1993 the Board of Education purchased a building in the town of Rincon that had housed a sportswear factory. This building was located about a block from the Rincon Elementary School campus. The building was renovated during the summer of 1993, and in the fall of that year, the kindergarten classes were moved to this site. The state-funded pre-kindergarten was also housed in this building. The pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes remained on this off-campus site for two years. During this time, two more elementary schools, a middle school, and a high school were built to relieve the overcrowding occurring in all Effingham schools.
In 1995, Ebenezer and Sand Hill Elementary Schools opened. Ebenezer Elementary’s district lines were drawn to reduce the student enrollment of Rincon Elementary and relieve the overcrowded conditions existing on that campus. The kindergarten and pre-kindergarten classes were moved back to the main campus.
Continued population growth in the southern end of the county soon led to an overcrowded situation at South Effingham Elementary School. Thirteen new classrooms, a new lunchroom/auditorium, new office spaces, and conference rooms were added to Rincon Elementary School in 1998. New district lines were drawn, sending students from South Effingham Elementary to Rincon Elementary. As a result of continued growth in the Rincon, Ebenezer and South Effingham districts, a new school was built between Rincon and South Effingham Elementary School. Blandford Elementary School opened in the fall of 2006. Approximately half of Rincon Elementary’s students were transferred to Blandford. Approximately two hundred students were transferred to Rincon from Ebenezer. At the time, the change in district lines has solved our problem with overcrowding.
Fast forward to 2019 where our brand new building on Fort Howard Road was finally ready! Rincon Elementary School has over 1,000 students in grade PreK-5th. Our beautiful new school still has the heart of Rincon where our students come first, and we are a family. Let's go Bobcats!!