Attendance Policy
Absences shall be governed under the following provisions:
Students in grades K-8 who have more than sixteen (16) absences (excused or unexcused) from school shall not be promoted to the next higher grade. If a student has more than sixteen (16) absences and has otherwise met the promotion requirements for the grade level, then the school administration will initiate the attendance appeal process by convening the School Hardship Committee. In such cases, the School Hardship Committee shall review the results of common interim assessments (CIA) and/or the end-of-grade assessment to determine if the student has mastered the required objectives of the course. If the student has not mastered the required objectives of the course, the student may not be promoted to the next higher grade.
Excused Absence Documentation:
All excuses should be submitted within three (3) days of return to school. The excuse must note the reason for the absence. A student cannot excuse his or her own absence. Excuses that are received after the third day back to school may not be accepted and the absence may be considered as unexcused.
**Please see Student Attendance Policy starting on page 15 of the student & parent handbook for more information.**